Free 2020-2021 Business Review Worksheet

Free 2020-2021 Business Review Worksheet

Hello Friends,

2020 has brought so many changes in the way we live, socialize, and especially in the way we work. Some changes we could deal without, to say the least. But I trust that there are more opportunities hidden within these challenges than we realize. But without proper thought and reflection, we will miss out on those opportunities for growth.

Each year, I sit down with a large cup of coffee and my trusty Annual Review Sheet and take a look at what happened this year, what is worth celebrating, what worked and what didn’t. Then I look at the next year and strategize for the future. Below you’ll find background information for how I created this review sheet and a link to the sheet itself—free for you to download and customize to your needs.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about the worksheet in the comments below!

Cheers to 2021!

Since making the jump to freelancing, I find myself missing certain things about a real office job. And one of them is performance reviews. I know, I know, no one is supposed to actually like performance reviews. But I can’t help it. I gravitate toward opportunities for reflection and analyzing, I like knowing where I stand, pinpointing trouble areas and designing systems to make them productive, efficient, and more fun. It takes intention and purpose to grow as people and the same is true for our businesses.

So I decided to create my own kind of performance evaluation—an annual business review worksheet to start the new year on the right foot. I researched some goal-setting worksheets, read blogs by people who do this sort of thing as well, and pooled it all together into this simple master-worksheet. 

I’ve had a few friends and business-owners ask me to share it so, here is my free gift to you! But before you jump into it, take a look at the tips below to enjoy the most benefit from this practice. 

  1. Customize it to your needs. A business review is only worthwhile as it is actually helpful, so feel free to make it your own. I’ve kept the worksheet in an accessible, editable format so that you can make the changes you need. And if you have ideas for how to make it better, I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

  2. Accountability. Good accountability is both insurance and investment for your business. It’s tough running things on your own but you can make it a little easier by pulling in someone who can offer perspective on your ideas and add momentum to your goals. Why do this on your own when you can recruit the support and expertise of others? 

  3. Time. Honor yourself and your business by giving this task the time you need to do it well—maybe that’s an hour, an afternoon, or a full day. And since you’ll be designing your future, go somewhere inspiring. Take yourself out on a date—grab some coffee and a pastry, or go full brunch mode. Your business will thank you.

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